Extended Schools
Language Support
The vast majority of our Extended Schools funding is used to employ our wonderful Language Support Assistant, Miss Cooke. She works across our two classes for three hours per day (15 hours per week). Miss Cooke works with children on a one to one or small group basis following plans composed by the classroom teacher. Each child's individual level has been assessed on entry and they will take part in activities designed to develop their language skills from their own unique starting points.
We have used this intervention very successfully for many years and we value it as one of our most effective ways to support our children
Breakfast Club
As a further part of our Extended Schools offering the school offers an early morning breakfast club from 8.15-8.45am daily. Miss Cooke is our Breakfast Club assistant. This service allows parents to drop their children off to nursery early, safe in the knowledge that their child will be looked after and will have access to a healthy breakfast here at school. There is no charge for this service. Children coming to school at the normal time of 8.45am can still avail of the breakfast on offer in each room.
Bligh's Lane Nursery School, Bligh’s Lane, Derry BT48 9PJ | Tel: 02871 267603