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Bligh's Lane Nursery School, Bligh’s Lane, Derry


2021/2022 School Year

30th Mar 2022
Today we had so much at Creggan Country Park. It was our first visit to the park...
27th Mar 2022
We are delighted to share the news that we have achieved the Silver Award status...
24th Mar 2022
This morning the children spent time outdoors planting vegetables with Ms Henry...
21st Mar 2022
We had a fantastic time celebrating World Down Syndrome Day. Our children dressed...
16th Mar 2022
We had a fantastic day celebrating Saint Patrick's Day in the Nursery School. We...
10th Mar 2022
Today the children enjoyed another session with Aishling from Relax Kids in which...
4th Mar 2022
Well done to all the boys and girls whose poems have been choosen to be published...
3rd Mar 2022
The children had a super day this pancake Tuesday- making and eating pancakes and...
3rd Mar 2022
Our little stars enjoyed their first session of 'Relax kids' program today centred...