Access Keys:

Bligh's Lane Nursery School, Bligh’s Lane, Derry
OPEN WEEK 13th-16th January 9.30-11.00 am Please call the school on 02871267603 to make an appointment
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Trip to Tropical World - Minibeast Explorers!

29th May 2024

On Thursday of last week we visited Tropical World which is a fully licensed zoo with an astonishing array of animals, from a dazzling display of butterflies to the world’s smallest monkeys alike. The incredible butterfly house was the star attraction, with hundreds of amazing tropical butterflies in free-flight around us within the atmosphere of the rainforest. Leaving here we were treated to the sounds from the tree topped canopies, with beautiful birds of all shapes and sizes from around the globe. To top our visit off we reached the reptile house where we meet the lemurs and miniature primates that call Tropical World home, along with owls,prairie dogs, and of course the family of Meerkats. We had lots of sleepy heads on the way home on the bus and lots of excited wee faces who could wait to tell mummies and daddies all about their adventures!